
Live Stream on the Blockchain

DLive is the first decentralized live streaming and video community for you to share original content, and earn feeless rewards in cryptocurrency.

  • Company: DLive

  • My role: UI/UX Designer

  • Duration: Apr 2018 - Jul 2018

  • Tools used: Sketch, InVision, Zeplin, JIRA, Adobe Creative Suite


As the first design hire at the startup, I was responsible for a major UI upgrade and UX optimization for one of the most fast-growing LINO project website. I also help shipped out DLive Android App Version 1.0 on GooglePlay where we received great user feedback.


Official Android App

Main features implemented on DLive Android App, we are allowing users to watch, follow and upvote your favorite live streamers and video creators, enable users to connect with your community, grow your brand and increase engagement; Showing your appreciation and support to your favorite content creators by using the built-in gifting feature; earning crypto without any fees.


Dashboard Goals

Badges: Encourage users to participate more into the community. Increase the number of active users.

Video Manger: Allow users to manage past broadcasts/videos, including download, edit, and delete actions.

Interactive Dashboard


Fanbase Goals

  • Enable users to create their own communities where fans can easily communicate with the broadcasters and other users who shared the same Fanbase.

Product Feature

  • Fanbase settings & management (channel permissions, notifications, invite user to join fanbase, ban users, leave/deactivate fanbase)

  • List of joined fanbases & quick switch, allow users to switch to joined fanbase without going to the creator’s profile page.

  • Manage messages in chat channels (allow users to react to a message sent from others; enable creator to pin/unpin a message in a fanbase.

  • Recent activities of the fanbase (users join the fanbase, users sent gifts, users just up-voted)

  • Text composer (a member of the fanbase wants to mention someone in a message) send emojis, text messages, urls, and gifts.)

  • User profile in a fanbase (a users wants to see another user’s role in a fanbase, basic information including Avatar, Username, Role - creator/member, and Status/Level)

  • Inbox from Team LINO, following users and Others. (LINO message and Messages from the following users will be delivered to inbox; Messages from strangers will be delivered to “Others” inside of inbox with no notification.


Fanbase should allow users to see a list of members within the same fanbase; a way to switch to different fanbase with ease; Easy management message systems as well as private chat feature. With these goals in mind, I explored different user flows, user interfaces. Figuring out an intuitive way to enter fanbase from current website. How to embed fanbase inside the current system without making user feel lost of where they are currently at within the site. 

